Saturday, March 8, 2014

10 Easy Ways to Make A Short Film

Making a short film with the availability of today’s technology has become a simple endeavor for most people. If you own a respectable computer, a digital camcorder and some kind of editing software, good script & cast and crew then you are ready to go.
To make any film whether it is Short film or any Featured Film there are three main things we need to have a good idea on these.
1) Pre Production
2) Production
3) Post Production

Pre Production
  • In Pre Production we need to prepare a good ScriptIf it is your first attempt of short film making then select the story which is having comedy or spoof and better not to go with the serious issues or subjects.
  • Make sure that your idea (story) should be new and your short film length should be shorter and sweeter, if you go for long narrations or lagging story's it is a bit difficult to grab the attention of the audience.
  • Once your Script(Story) is ready then go for the Story Boarding, don't get confused you may think that you prepared a story then what is this story boarding. 

Sample for you

     In Production
    d) Shooting


    Lighting Techniques